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The official selection of two films "Below 10" and "Form" to the Zimbabwe International Film Festival.
The official selection of two films "below ten" and "Form" to the Zimbabwe International Film Festival. The Zimbabwe International Film Festival (ZIFF) is the flagship program of the Zimbabwe International Film and Festival T...
Wednesday، 14 September 2022 - 11:50
The official selection of two films "Under ten" and an "Obituary" to the New York Super Shorts Film Festival
The official selection of two films "Below ten" and an "Obituary" to the New York Super Shorts Film Festival held in New York City. This festival is a subset of the Super Short Festivals of Los Angeles and London, which was es...
Wednesday، 14 September 2022 - 11:39
A short review of "Pandora"
A short review of "Pandora" Talking about serious social issues in short films is a difficult task. Because in terms of time, it’s harder to find the clue and split the problem. But in one-minute films, this method of expression is...
Sunday، 04 September 2022 - 13:23
Bluecat script writing competition
BlueCat is now accepting submissions for 2023 Competition! For 25 years, BlueCat has sought to discover and develop the storyteller. Winners and Finalists often find valuable connections within the industry, which help them begin professional ca...
Sunday، 28 August 2022 - 12:54
️The official selection of "Sit biyarem" short music video at the 6th annual Lost River Film Festival in Texas, USA
️The official selection of "Sit biyarem" short music video at the 6th annual Lost River Film Festival in Texas, USA This festival will be held at San Marcos Cinema Club. The date of the festival is October 20-23
Sunday، 28 August 2022 - 12:49
A review of " Happy birthday" short film by Mahsa Alinghian
A review of " Happy birthday" short film by Mahsa Alinghian The short film "Happy Birthday" written, produced, and directed by Vahid Qanatabadi, is an example of a low-cost short film in production, which impresses the audience...
Saturday، 27 August 2022 - 16:14
 The official selection of "The wind girl" short film at the 30th Alternative Film Festival in Romania
The official selection of "The wind girl" short film at the 30th Alternative Film Festival in Romania The festival has a specific goal of supporting and promoting regional cinematography and fresh filmmaking talent. Event date: 28 Sep...
Saturday، 27 August 2022 - 16:08
️The official selection of "The Mattress" short film at the 36th Cinekid Film Festival in Amsterdam
️The official selection of "The Mattress" short film at the 36th Cinekid Film Festival in Amsterdam Cinekid Festival is the largest children's media festival in the world. The prize for the best film of this festival is 2500 euro...
Saturday، 27 August 2022 - 15:55
️The official selection of "Sit biyarem"  music video at the International Film Festival Akrobat
️The official selection of "Sit biyarem" music video at the International Film Festival Akrobat "Sit Biyarem" Singer: Heshmat Rajabzadeh Director: Hadi Manavipour Producer: Ali Haddadi Lyrics: Davood Salari 🔻Raw In...
Tuesday، 23 August 2022 - 13:54
Official selection of the short film "Obituary"directed by Moein Zarabi at the 7th Verona International film festival
Official selection of the short film "Obituary"directed by Moein Zarabi at the 7th Verona International film festival "Obituary" Director: Moein Zarabi Producer: Soheila Golestani Writer: Taymaz Rezvani, Moein Zarabi Cast: ...
Sunday، 21 August 2022 - 12:44
A review about " Personal tendency" short film by Mahsa Alinaghian
A review about " Personal tendency" short film by Mahsa Alinaghian The short film "Personal Tendency”, directed by Arash Roshanjuy and Alireza Aghaalikhani, tells the story of a teenager and its fears and hopes. These fears an...
Monday، 15 August 2022 - 18:39
A review about " the domestic" short film by Mahsa Alinaghian
A review about " The domestic" short film by Mahsa Alinaghian "The domestic" short film written and directed by Mohammad Hossein Karimi is a shocking narrative of poverty and injustice. “The domestic” is a naturalis...
Wednesday، 10 August 2022 - 16:40
International distribution of the short film "Failed" directed by Arian Lotfalian
International distribution of the short film "Failed" directed by Arian Lotfalian Director: Arian lotfalian screenwriter: Roya mohaghegh Cast: sarina taraghi, anahita eghbalnejad, yasaman mirzaei, rojan kordnejad, nika adibi direct...
Tuesday، 19 July 2022 - 11:39
Feature Film Script "Fate" Written by Masoud Shahidi has been accepted in Quarter-finalist in Oscar-Qualifying Nashville Film festival Screenwriting competition.
Feature Film Script "Fate" Written by Masoud Shahidi has been accepted in Quarter-finalist in Oscar-Qualifying Nashville Film festival Screenwriting competition. Founded in 1969 as the Sinking Creek Film Celebration, Nashville Film Fes...
Tuesday، 19 July 2022 - 11:27
"Happy birthday" short film at the 7th best Iranian short film of the year (FIDAN) as the semi finalist
"Happy birthday" short film at the 7th best Iranian short film of the year (FIDAN) as the semi finalist "Happy birthday" short film at the 7th best Iranian short film of the year (FIDAN) "Happy Birthday" Writer...
Tuesday، 12 July 2022 - 11:58
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"RAW" is a collection of artistic and advertising activities that has been working in various fields of art for some time. What connects and puts together this collection, from the production and production of documentaries and the production and distribution of films and theater to advertisements, is one word, and that is: art!