" The song of death" press kit page

The song of death


Many trees are planted by migratory birds every year, and deserts turn into lush forests after many years, but this nature will last until the day when humans do not selfishly enter these forests for their own destruction and benefit.


Let's not let the forest die, because the world will die


More information

Director's name: Mohammad Hasan Houshangi - Ali Adibi Far
Duration: 07:20
Genre: social-environmental
Image aspect ratio: 16:9
Production year: 2022-2023
Film budget: 90 million Tomans
List of factors:
Authors: Ali Adibi Far - Mohammad Hasan Houshangi
Announcer: Ehsan Karami

Storyboard: Mohammad Pourali
Space design: Bardia Sheybani - Ali Nasiri
Character design: Zahra Houshangi
Animator: Aida Khani - Giso Chiragchi - Paniz Montazeri Zahor – Mahhta Bagheri Nevisi - Mahla Rajabpour
Special effects: Mohammad Taha Moemeni
Music by Vandava
Mixing and mastered by Veyse
Logo and poster designer: Araz Vakili Verjovi

Strory board 

Mohammad Hasan Houshangi
Date of Birth: 31 December 2003
Activity in the field of writing and directing
Animation directing diploma from the School of Broadcasting
One of his honors is winning the top rank in the festivals of Pezeshke Nazanin in Finland, Poland, Ghamate Doust, Filme Roshd, Nojavane Salem, Farda and Madrese Film.
Some of his work records include: activity in Farzandane Iran's anthem group, director of the documentary Bazidan, director of the "Shoghlha" Animated Short Film, participation in the "Asansour Series" team and activity in the 13 publication.
Ali Adibi Far
Date of Birth: 16 January 2004
He was an acting and directing student for 3 years, he was a photographer and writer for 13 magazine for 1 year. He still has a short film called Diazepam in his career, which was nominated in 2022 at the First_time festival Filmmaker sessions, he currently lives in Canada, and studies in this field.

Maha Company

Maha Company is an art company that Start its activity from 2022, our primary mission is to discover the talent of young people in the world of art.

And the first work experience of this company was in the field of animation, and in the future, we plan to expand our activities in more fields.

Every year, due to the indiscriminate cutting of trees for various purposes, many animal species are in danger of extinction, and the environment is in danger of threat and lack of oxygen. However, strict laws have not been established in some countries to prevent this disaster, while in some developed countries, positive events are taking place.
For example, in Germany, students start working at school by receiving books at the beginning of the year. However, they return the borrowed books to the school at the end of the year. This culture can prevent the cutting of trees to produce new books with new printing.The Song of Death is a documentary made with this concern by a group of teenagers.

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"RAW" is a collection of artistic and advertising activities that has been working in various fields of art for some time. What connects and puts together this collection, from the production and production of documentaries and the production and distribution of films and theater to advertisements, is one word, and that is: art!