Ms. Nilufar morsalvand/ The public relations manager of RAW CO.
Nowadays, the technological tools such as the internet , make it very easy for everyone to obtain any information they may possibly need. Companies are being more and more aware of this fact day by day. In order to improve the level of advertisement , some various parameters are required , hence it's a necessity to follow coherent and calculated policies in advertisement designing.
Considering the importance of styling and brand identity designing , several various parameters must be seriously attended. For example , office buildings , clothing , management , personnel , and products , are all at a high level of importance. No doubt that every company considers itself to deserve the best advertising ideas and experienced experts in advertisement in order to be well seen and known. This goal can be reached through taking various actions such as designing exclusive websites for your brand , increasing "SEO" with a supporting period of one year. Creating 3D illustrations of your products and uploading them on your website in order to reach a higher quality of introducing.
Producing documentary films to introduce your products , generating a variety of video contents and promotional teasers and also video arts , high quality digital or printed catalogs , commercial Photography , graphic images , and also providing an environment including the necessary facilities for holding mini campaigns , seminars, and exhibitions for your products or services.
The RAW company , would like to design a screened and effective concept for you , considering the rank of your company.