"Obituary" short movie directed by moein Zarabi has been selected in 26th Capri, Hollywood, The International Film Festival
The Festival has become an important showcase for positioning films, filmmakers, and talent in contention for potential year-end awards and simultaneously promoting tourism in the south of Italy during the holiday season. It is also a major building block of the "magical bridge" between the Italian and American motion picture industries as is evidenced by the prestigious attendance of such majors as Warner Bros, Fox, Universal, Paramount, Sony, Disney, and Lionsgate along with prominent independent producers and professionals who are competing for the sought-after Oscars, Golden Globe and BAFTA statuettes.
Director: Moein Zarabi
Producer: Soheila Golestani
Writer: Taymaz Rezvani, Moein Zarabi
Cast: Haadi Ahmadi, Mojdeh Daei, Mostafa Zand, Mariyeh Tehranchi, pooya Aram, Ehsan Safarnavadeh, Daryoush Ghasemi, Mehrsana Farahani
🔻Raw International Company
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